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1Conflict Management


Conflict Management

Conflict Management Training Course


Different people or groups of people have different opinions, goals or objectives. Where people have to work together for a common goal, there are different opinions on how to achieve these goals. Even when people are in exactly the same situation, there are different views, perceptions or experiences of this situation. Such differences are often the cause of conflict. Conflict situations can bring the best out of people (competition) or can be destructive for all parties involved.

In this course, we will make the students aware of potential conflict situations and how to deal with them.


Learn that conflicts are human
Recognise your conflicts
Reacting to conflicts
Causes for conflicts
Preventing conflicts
Ways to resolve conflicts
Learning from conflicts


Learn that conflicts are human
Conflicts happen every day
The cycle of conflicts
Recognise your conflicts
The conflict chart
The conflict log
The analysis
Reacting to conflicts
Learning to react
Conflicts affect the body
How do YOU react?
Avoiding conflict
Choose how to react
Causes for conflicts
Why do you want to know?
Key causes for conflict
Test your knowledge
Discuss the key causes
Preventing conflicts
Use what you know about your conflicts
Use what you know about reacting to conflicts
Use what you know about causes of conflicts
Use some humor
Ways to resolve conflicts
Conflict analysis
Fight fairly
The conflict scale
Tell and listen
Ignore the conflict?
Downplaying a conflict
Use authority
A negotiated solution
The method
Learning from conflicts
What worked
What did not
Confess to yourself