Profweb – Management Consulting

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A specialist professional services firm that provides trusted advice, coaching, training and research.

Expert, independent advice, clear guidance and solutions that work.


1Professional Practice Management

Professional Practice Management

Practice Management


The Principles of Professional Consulting (PPC) programme introduces one to the profession of management consulting and provides a combination of skills, knowledge, experience, and ability in order to bridge the gap between line management and management consulting.

The Professional Practice Management Course builds on the PPC foundation and is aimed at the team leader or practice manager. The purpose is to expose a consultant or manager to the nuances, techniques and approaches required to build, maintain and grow a practice.


  • To enhance the skills of professionals who are already consulting and have team or practice responsibilities, be they leadership, marketing or finance.
  • To develop the knowledge and skills required to prepare leaders in the field of Management Consulting.
  • To introduce aspirant leaders to the principles and process of
  • Practice Management.
  • To assist those who interact regularly with Management Consultants.


Definition of a practice
What is practice management
Primary objectives
What is the challenge
Responsibilities and roles
Questions to ask a practice manager
13 keys to a successful practice
Start-up functions
A management model
Strategic issues
Finance and administration
Managing the people
Knowledge management
New product development
Service delivery
Quality control
Managing an internal consulting practice (optional)
Reasons for failure